We are here to connect you to information and answer questions about Georgia state government.
Georgia's Home Energy Rebates
Georgia’s Home Energy Rebates provide households with incentives on the purchase and installation of electric appliances, insulation, air sealing, HVAC, and other home improvement measures. Eligible households can get up to $16,000 in savings depending on their household income and/or expected energy savings.
Georgia Individual Income Tax
The Georgia Tax Center (GTC) is the Department of Revenue’s secure self-service customer facing portal for making online Individual or Business Tax payments and for corresponding with the Department of Revenue.
Find an Offender | Georgia Department of Corrections
Call 1-800-GEORGIA to verify that a website is an official website of the State of Georgia.
Georgia Housing Search | Georgia Department of Community Affairs
Georgia Housing Search provides detailed information about rental properties and helps people find housing to best fit their needs. The service can be accessed at no cost online 24 hours a day or through a toll-free, bilingual call center, available M-F, 9:00 am - 8:00 pm EST.
Access Public Information -
We are here to connect you to information and answer questions about Georgia state government.
All Tax Forms - Georgia Department of Revenue
Local, state, and federal government websites often end in .gov. State of Georgia government websites and email systems use “” or “” at the end of the address. Before sharing sensitive or personal information, make sure you’re on an official state website.
Services A-Z -
Apply for a cash assistance program in Georgia that supports residents in need. Apply for a Firearms License Eligible Georgians may apply for a Weapons Carry License to carry out of state.
Sales & Use Tax - Georgia Department of Revenue
Georgia sales and use tax generally applies to all tangible goods sold. You can file and pay sales and use tax online using the Georgia Tax Center.
Motor Vehicles - Georgia Department of Revenue
Georgia MVD offers online applications and information regarding tag renewals, license plates, titles, dealer registrations and commercial vehicles.